So I’ve been having these awesome dreams of grandeur recently. Like the other night, I was freakin’ Peter Petrelli from Heroes – and not lame Peter Petrelli from seasons 2-through-whatever they’re at now, but awesome Peter Petrelli from season 1 who could basically do ANYthing. Yea, I was that guy. I was totally infiltrating some bad-guy base (which was easy because I was invisible) to stop the bad guys from doing whatever horrible thing they were planning on doing (I don’t dream in specifics, leave me alone). So I was just walking right by them and freaking them out by picking stuff up with my mind and making it float around the room. Don’t know how that one turned out because I woke up too soon (lame), but the last thing I remember from that dream was flying above some dude who knew I was somewhere nearby, picking him up with my mind, and slamming him into a wall, rendering him unconscious. Yea, win. These dreams are totally balla, but I always wake up from them, which isn’t so cool. Because then I’m reduced to being some feeble mortal without awesome superpowers. This, ladies and gentlemen, is the mind that spits out these amazing blog posts. You knew you liked me for a reason. No, I’m telling you: you knew you liked me for a reason.
That paragraph has nothing to do with the remainder of this post. Think of this paragraph as being like one of those “and now for something completely different” Monty Python things. What’s that? You don’t know what I’m talking about? Stop what you’re doing (after you finish reading this, of course), go find a complete Monty Python DVD collection, and then watch it. I’m sorry, what? You have a funeral to go to? Tough for the guy that died.* Follow my instructions. Now.
That paragraph has nothing to do with the remainder of this post. Think of this paragraph as being like one of those “and now for something completely different” Monty Python things. What’s that? You don’t know what I’m talking about? Stop what you’re doing (after you finish reading this, of course), go find a complete Monty Python DVD collection, and then watch it. I’m sorry, what? You have a funeral to go to? Tough for the guy that died.* Follow my instructions. Now.
Okay, so on to my actual blog post.*** I’m a wimp. Yea, I know…it’s hard to believe. But I totally am. For those of you who have been on another planet for the last two years† and haven’t heard of my ankle injury: my ankle’s been injured for the last two years. Now that we’re all caught up, let’s continue. Because of this injury, I’ve had to have a number of rather unpleasant things done to my ankle over the past two years – two of these things being cortisone injections. Oh man. I’ma tell you what:†† I hate needles. Like I really hate needles. Both times I got injected with this Satan-fluid that ended up causing excruciatingly severe pain (though only the first time), I nearly passed out. Yea, because of a needle.
The second shot I went in for was the worst. The guy had to inject what I am now deeming as Satan’s blood directly into a joint, so he placed my foot underneath an X-Ray machine and watched the needle on there as he slowly inserted it into my foot.††† The worst part of the whole experience was when he let go of the needle and turned around. Yea. I was like “GAAAAAAAUUUUUUFJIWEOFJSAD
When I realized this, I had to swallow my pride and tell Miss Hottie‡‡ that I needed to sit down because I was about to hit the floor. So she sat me down and put a wet towel on my neck. When the ringing in my ears had dissipated and my vision had returned to normal (yea, I was that close to blacking out), they moved me to a bed in a separate room, and who came in to keep me company? Hottie McHotson.‡‡‡ So at this point, while I’m still a little out of it, I start conversing with her and (let’s be honest, people) probably gawking at her. Well, somehow we got on the topic of what she would be doing in the next few months (no idea how we got to talking about this – like I said, I was still out of it). She told me she was going on a cruise with some people, and I told her I loved cruise vacations. I asked who she was going with and she told me her parents and her fiancĂ©. FiancĂ©?
At this point I was like “What the heck?” Yea, I legitimately got annoyed with this guy for being engaged to this random hot nurse. I started getting angry with the dude, as though I had dibs on this girl who he had obviously known for longer. A few minutes later, when I was finally back to my normal**** self, I realized that I probably have some issues…or at least I do when I’m half-conscious.†††† I tell you all of this to let you know that I have decided to never again allow a doctor to inject me with anything. Probably a good idea.
*For those reading who actually have a funeral to go to, I’m terribly sorry. I assure you it was a joke and nothing more. It was very irresponsible of me to joke that way, and I assure you it won’t happen again.**
**LOL, lies.
***Yea, I actually plan what these will be ahead of time.**
†…With the guy who doesn’t watch 24.
††I’ve been in Raleigh too long. Actually, I hate Miami and never wanna go back, so I’m fine with living in Raleigh and saying/hearing weird things as a result.
†††I’m getting queasy just typing this and remembering this horrible experience.
‡‡Which actually turned out to not be here name – how was I supposed to know this??
‡‡‡Also not her real name. In case you were wondering.
****Heh, normal…
††††Okay, okay, and when I’m fully-conscious, too…

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